Your investment makes a difference

Thank you for being so kind in supporting Alpha in 2023. We are grateful to God and all our partners worldwide who enable this vital work to continue and grow.

Alpha exists to equip and serve the local church in its mission to help people discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. We believe that everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to encounter Jesus for themselves in an open and pressure-free environment, for free. We believe the church deserves the best, but it is only possible to give Alpha away as a free resource because of the generous and sacrificial giving of partners who share our passion for seeing the nations reached, the church revitalised, and society transformed.

Virtually all of Alpha’s income comes from voluntary donations. We are so encouraged and thankful to God for our global community of partners. 

Thank you for your friendship and your faithful partnership. We could not do all this without you.

Statutory Accounts 2023
Total Income £20.65m
Donations £19.23m
Resources, sales and conferences £1.42m
Total expenditure £20.64m
Strategic Leadership and Enablement £4.23m
UK Development £1.25m
Digital, Media, Product and Publications £8.18m
International Development £3.73m
Alpha Context Development £0.49m
Other Ministries £0.15m
Conferences £1.49m
Fundraising £1.12m

Your continued support matters

Together we can serve the church, giving more people the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha, for free.

We aim to make room for the ministry of the Spirit and seek to bless what the Father is already doing. Please join us in praying for Alpha so that everyone gets the chance to explore faith in Jesus.


We believe that everyone, everywhere, should have the opportunity to encounter Jesus for themselves in an open and pressure-free environment, for free. You can help make this happen by giving to Alpha, so that more people are reached and transformed by the good news of Jesus.


Alphas are run worldwide thanks to numerous volunteers. Would you consider volunteering on an Alpha course near you?

Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift to Alpha in your will is a simple way of blessing future generations for many years to come. You could provide opportunities for more people to discover a personal relationship with Jesus, wherever they are in the world, for free.

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